TEMPLUL ZEITEI ARTEMIS DIN EFES (TEMPLUL DIANEI)Din acest edificiu ant перевод - TEMPLUL ZEITEI ARTEMIS DIN EFES (TEMPLUL DIANEI)Din acest edificiu ant английский как сказать



Din acest edificiu antic grec nu au ramas decat fundatia si putine relicve. Cu exceptia acoperisului, intregul templu a fost construit din marmura. Terminat in anul 550 i.Hr., acest templu (situat azi inTurcia) a fost construit timp de 120 de ani. In interiorul templului se afla statuia de 2 m a zeitei Artemis, acoperita cu aur si argint. In 356 i.Hr., templul a ars intr-un incediu; reconstruit de Alexandru cel Mare, templul este din nou distrus de goti. Refacut din nou, acest templu pagan este inchis in anul 391 d.Hr. si, in anul 401 d.Hr., este distrus definitiv la comanda Sfantului Ioan Gura de Aur, Patriarhul Constantinopolului – unul din cei 3 Mari Ierarhi ai Bisericii Ortodoxe. Din blocurile de marmura ale Templului zeitei Artemis s-au construit ulterior alte edificii.


Aceasta statuie a fost sculptata in anul 435 i.Hr. de Phidias (prietenul si sfatuitorul lui Pericle), cunoscut si pentru realizarea statuii din templul Partenon de pe colina Acropolis din Atena. Statuia lui Zeus a fost executata in mod asemanator, in tehnica chryselephantina, din lemn imbracat in foi de aur si cu placi de fildes. Pentru adapostirea acestei statui – inalte de 12 m – a fost construit un templu. Statuia il infatisa pe Zeus asezat pe un tron cu un spatar inalt, bogat decorat. Se crede ca in anul 394 d.Hr. statuia a fost transportata la Constantinopol, unde avea sa fie distrusa de un incendiu in anul 475. Din mareata statuie ridicata lui Zeus la Olympia nu a ramas decat soclul.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
THE TEMPLE OF GODDESS ARTEMIS (TEMPLE OF DIANA)From this ancient Greek edifice had not left the Foundation and few relics. With the exception of the roof, the entire Temple was constructed of marble. Completed in the year 550 i.Hr., this temple (inTurcia today) was built for 120 years. Inside the temple statue of Artemis goddess of 2 m, covered with gold and silver. 356. In i.Hr, the temple burned down in a fire; rebuilt by Alexander the great, the temple is again ruined by goti. Rebuilt again, this pagan temple is closed in the year 391 d.Hr. and d.Hr, in the year 401, is permanently destroyed at the mouth of the Saint John order gold, the Patriarch of Constantinople is one of the three Great Hierarchs of the Orthodox Church. From marble blocks of the Temple of goddess Artemis subsequently were built other structures.4. The STATUE of ZEUS in OLYMPIAThis statue was sculpted in the year 435 i.Hr. of Phidias (Adviser and friend of Pericles), known for carrying out the statue from the Temple of the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill in Athens. The statue of Zeus was executed Similarly, chryselephantina technique, of wood covered in gold leaf and ivory plates. Housing this statue-12 m high, was built a temple. Statue depicting Zeus seated on a throne with a high backrest, richly decorated. It is believed that in the year 394 d.Hr. statue of was transported to Constantinople, where it was to be destroyed by a fire in 475. From the majestic high statue of Zeus at Olympia has not left socket.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Temple of Artemis (Temple of Diana) This ancient Greek building there remains only the foundation and few relics. With the exception of the roof, the entire temple was built of marble. Finished in 550 BC, this temple (today located in Turkey) was built for 120 years. Inside the temple there is a statue of Artemis 2 me, covered with gold and silver. In 356 BC, the temple burned in a fire; rebuilt by Alexander the Great, the temple is again destroyed by the Goths. Rebuilt again, this pagan temple is closed in 391 AD and in AD 401, it is permanently destroyed by order of St John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople - one of the three great hierarchs of the Orthodox Church. The marble blocks of the Temple of Artemis were later built buildings. 4. Statue of Zeus at Olympia This statue was carved in 435 BC year Phidias (friend and advisor of Pericles), known for carrying the statue of the Parthenon temple on Acropolis hill in Athens. Statue of Zeus was executed similarly, in chryselephantine technique of wood covered in sheets of gold and ivory plates. To house the statue - 12 meters high - it was built a temple. The statue depicting Zeus sitting on a throne with a high back, richly decorated. It is believed that in the year 394 AD The statue was transported to Constantinople, where it would be destroyed by fire in 475. The large statue of Zeus at Olympia High remained only socket.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the temple of the goddess artemis of ephesus (the temple of diana)

of this ancient building were not only greek foundation and few relics. except for the roof, the temple was built of marble. finished in the year 550 b.c., this temple (situated inturcia today) was built for 120 years. inside the temple stands the statue of the goddess artemis 2 m, covered with gold and silver.in 356 b.c., the temple was burned in a fire; rebuilt by alexander the great, the temple is again destroyed by goti. restored again, this pagan temple is closed in the year 391 a.d. and, in the year 401 a.d., is permanently destroyed the order of st. john mouth of gold, the patriarch of constantinople, one of the three major ierarhi you of the orthodox church.from the temple of goddess artemis marble were built subsequently other edifices.

4. the statue of zeus at olympia

this statue was carved in the year 435 bc. phidias (friend of pericles and his advisor), also known for the statue of the parthenon temple on the acropolis of athens. the statue of zeus was executed in similar manner.in the technique chryselephantina wooden sheets, dressed in gold and ivory boards. for harboring this statue - 12 m - high was built a temple. the statue he represented zeus sat on a throne with a high back leather, rich decorated. i think, in the year 394 a.d. the statue was transported to constantinople, where he had to be destroyed by a fire in the year 475.the great statue of zeus at olympia no wholesale left than the cap.
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