Problemele adolescentilor Omul se naste, traieste si moare. Momentele  перевод - Problemele adolescentilor Omul se naste, traieste si moare. Momentele  английский как сказать

Problemele adolescentilor Omul se n

Problemele adolescentilor

Omul se naste, traieste si moare. Momentele cele mai importante sunt etapele de inceput prin care acestia trec. Mai exact momentul in careun copil devine adult.

Aceasta este o perioada grea pentru ca incepe sa se formeze personalitatea tanarului, care ajunge sa se confrunte cu tot felul de probleme privind persoana lui, existenta si rolul lui printre ceilalti oameni. La inceput apar probleme mici de care trec cu usurinta dar pe parcurs apar si probleme majore cu care se confrunta in fiecare zi. Una dintre acestea se refera la dorinta fiecarui tanar de a avea libertate. Aceasta este una din problemele majore ale fiecaruia deoarece in aceea perioada a vieti fiecare doreste sa se afirme, sa incerce experiente noi, sa fie in centrul atentiei, sa fie tratat ca pe un om mare, sa i se dea importanta. Dupa ce trece de scoala generala tanarul, in formare intra intr-un colectiv nou. Ia contact cu alta lume, cu alte conceptii, cu alte aspiratii, este influentat de tot felul de idei. Varsta adolescentei este cea in care omul este mai influentabil ca oricand. Incepe sa se priveasca cu atentie pe el insusi, si sa se compare cu cei din jur. Gaseste asemanari si deosebiri iar atunci cand deosebirile sunt prea mari, incearca sa se adapteze in colectivul respectiv, incearca sa fie la fel ca ceilalti, dar de cele mai multe ori acestia nu sunt in regula. Aici intervin multe influente ce implica tutunul, alcoolul si drogurile. In ultimii ani s-a observat ca tot mai des, odata ajunsi la liceu trei elevi din cinci fumeaza ne avand nici un motiv ci pur si simplu pentru ca e misto, pentru ca par maturi pentru ca esti in pas cu moda. Asa sustin tinerii care nu isi dau seama de faptul ca e foarte inporatanta originalitatea. Faptul ca iti doresti sa fii ca cei dinš"cel mai tare grup din scoala "te priveaza, de a mai fi tu insuti, de a mai avea originalitate. Alcoolul este de asemenea un factor distructiv la care adolescentul din pacate are acces. Excesul de alcool distruge de asemenea personalitatea unui adolescent. Din dorinta de a parea mai barbat, un adolescent consuma alcool, adesea tinerii organizeaza cateš"šo bauta "š cum zic ei, iar in urma acestui eveniment fara sa se gandeasca ajung sa infaptuie lucruri pe care le pot regreta toata viata. De exemplu au loc "šciogniriš" intre tineri, ce si-au pierdut simtul ratiuni. Iar de cele mai multe ori se intampla ca unul dinte ei sa ajunga la spital sau din pacate in cazuri mai speciale sa-si piarda viata.

Dar cele mai periculoase sunt drogurile care afecteaza in mod dramatic viata unui om. Ajuns la maturitate iti dai seama de greselile pe care le-ai infaptuit in adolescenta, iar durerea este apasatoare. Sunt multe cazuri in care adultii ce consuma droguri inca din adolescenta ajung sa aiba o viata de mizerie si din necesitate doze si mai mari isi pierd viata Dar ca adolescent la inceput de drum narcoticele sunt un lucru tragic. De cele mai multe ori tinerii apeleaza, pentru a cauta o senzatie placuta pentru a trece dincolo de realitatea prea dura pentru fiinta lor. De obicei persoanele slabe si influentabile recurg la acest remediu si ajung in cele din urma sa se simta mizerabil intr-o lume nu mai putin mizerabila

O alta problema cu care se confrunta adolescentul este reprezentata de sentimente care o data cu varsta isi fac aparitia. Prima dezamagire in dragoste provoaca o durere imensa in sufletul tanarului care s-a implicat cu toata fiinta lui. La inceputisi fac loc tot felul de intrebari: cum sa o cuceresc ? de unde stiu daca ma place? ma iubeste? ce inseamna a iubi? de ce m-a parasit?. Orice dezamagire ramane ca o cicatrice ce contribuie la formarea personalitatii sale. Orice fapta, orice eveniment ce constituie activitatea unui adoloscent, ajuta la formarea acesteia. Lipsa de mama, de iubire, de banii, il face pe tanar sa-si canalizeze atentia mai mult sau mai putin spre un domeniu care sa-i satisfaca nevoile. S-a observat ca orice om la maturitate incearca sa-si repare greselile din adolescenta, sau incearca sa obtina ceea ce parintii nu i-au putut oferi.

Orfanii de exemplu, ajung sa-si intemeieze o familie bazata pe iubire si pe incredere. Prin dragostea pe care ei o ofera copiilor lor, sunt fericiti ca pot avea ocazia sa treaca peste acel handicap

Sunt o multime de lucruri ce influenteaza viata unui om. Adolescenta, varsta la care omul incepe sa se formeze ca personalitate, devine cu adevarat om prin faptul ca este influentatde oameni, este influentat de parinti, de prieteni, de natura vietii care are parte. Adolescentul este influentabil. Sunt cazuri in care trecand prin aceasta varsta omul se intereseaza, creand o lume a sa departe de toate nedreptatile din exterior.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Problems of teenagers

Man is born, lives and dies. The most important moments are the beginning stages through which they pass. More specifically, when the child becomes adult careun.

This is a tough time because it begins to form the personality of the young person, who gets to face all sorts of problems relating to the person of the existence and role of, among other people. At first appear small problems that pass with ease but along the way they appear and major problems faced every day. One of them refers to every young man to have freedom. This is one of the major problems of each because in that period of life each wishes to assert, to try new experiences, to be the center of attention, to be treated like a man, to be given importance. After the passing of the young, in grade school training into a new team. Get in touch with another world, with other concepts, other aspirations, is influenced by all sorts of ideas. Teenage is the one in which the man is very outgoing, more than ever. Begins to look carefully on himself, and to compare with the others. Find similarities and differences and when differences are too big, try to adapt in the team, trying to be just like the others, but most of the time they are not wrong. There are many influences which involved tobacco, alcohol and drugs. In recent years it has been noted that increasingly, Once you are in high school three students in five smokes us with no reason but simply because it's cool, because you seem mature for you're in step with fashion. So say the young people who do not realize that it is very inporatanta the originality. The fact that you want to be like those in "the loudest group in the school" range from you, to be yourself, to have originality. Alcohol is also a factor in destructive adolescent unfortunately has access. Excess alcohol also destroys the personality of a teenager. In order to seem more man, a teenager consume alcohol, young people often organizes many "a drink" as they say, and in the aftermath of this event without thinking I end up infaptuie things you may regret it all his life. For example "ciogniri" between young people, you have lost your sense of reason. And most of the times it happens that one of her tooth to reach the hospital or sadly in special cases to lose life.

But the most dangerous are the drugs that dramatically affects a man's life. Mature you realize the mistakes that we've accomplished in adolescence, and the pain is eerily quiet. There are many cases in which adults who consume drugs since their teens get to have a life of misery and need higher doses and larger lose their lives But as a teenager at the beginning of the road narcotic drugs are a tragic thing. Most of the times the youth wants to seek out a pleasant sensation to go beyond reality too take for their being. Usually weak and influentabile people resort to this remedy and end up eventually to feel miserable in a world no less miserable

another problem faced by the teenager is represented by feelings that once their appearance with age. The first disappointment in love causes a huge pain in the soul of the young person who has been involved with his entire being. The inceputisi are held all sorts of questions: how to conquer? How do I know if she likes me? loves me? What does it mean to love? why I left?. Any disappointment remains as a scar that contribute to the formation of his personality. Any deed, any event constituting an adoloscent activity, helps form. The absence of the mother, love, money, makes young to channel her attention more or less towards a domain to meet your needs. It has been observed that every person in adulthood trying to make good the mistakes of adolescence, or tries to steal what parents could not provide.

For example, Orphans arrive to set up a family based on love and trust. Through the love they give to their children, I am happy that I have the opportunity to overcome that handicap

there are a lot of things that influence the life of a man. Adolescence, age at which man begins to form as personality, becomes truly man that is influentatde people, is influenced by their parents, friends, the nature of life that takes part. She is very outgoing. There are cases in which passing through this age interested in creating man is a world away from all his nedreptatile from the outside.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Problemele adolescentilor

Omul se naste, traieste si moare. Momentele cele mai importante sunt etapele de inceput prin care acestia trec. Mai exact momentul in careun copil devine adult.

Aceasta este o perioada grea pentru ca incepe sa se formeze personalitatea tanarului, care ajunge sa se confrunte cu tot felul de probleme privind persoana lui, existenta si rolul lui printre ceilalti oameni. La inceput apar probleme mici de care trec cu usurinta dar pe parcurs apar si probleme majore cu care se confrunta in fiecare zi. Una dintre acestea se refera la dorinta fiecarui tanar de a avea libertate. Aceasta este una din problemele majore ale fiecaruia deoarece in aceea perioada a vieti fiecare doreste sa se afirme, sa incerce experiente noi, sa fie in centrul atentiei, sa fie tratat ca pe un om mare, sa i se dea importanta. Dupa ce trece de scoala generala tanarul, in formare intra intr-un colectiv nou. Ia contact cu alta lume, cu alte conceptii, cu alte aspiratii, este influentat de tot felul de idei. Varsta adolescentei este cea in care omul este mai influentabil ca oricand. Incepe sa se priveasca cu atentie pe el insusi, si sa se compare cu cei din jur. Gaseste asemanari si deosebiri iar atunci cand deosebirile sunt prea mari, incearca sa se adapteze in colectivul respectiv, incearca sa fie la fel ca ceilalti, dar de cele mai multe ori acestia nu sunt in regula. Aici intervin multe influente ce implica tutunul, alcoolul si drogurile. In ultimii ani s-a observat ca tot mai des, odata ajunsi la liceu trei elevi din cinci fumeaza ne avand nici un motiv ci pur si simplu pentru ca e misto, pentru ca par maturi pentru ca esti in pas cu moda. Asa sustin tinerii care nu isi dau seama de faptul ca e foarte inporatanta originalitatea. Faptul ca iti doresti sa fii ca cei dinš"cel mai tare grup din scoala "te priveaza, de a mai fi tu insuti, de a mai avea originalitate. Alcoolul este de asemenea un factor distructiv la care adolescentul din pacate are acces. Excesul de alcool distruge de asemenea personalitatea unui adolescent. Din dorinta de a parea mai barbat, un adolescent consuma alcool, adesea tinerii organizeaza cateš"šo bauta "š cum zic ei, iar in urma acestui eveniment fara sa se gandeasca ajung sa infaptuie lucruri pe care le pot regreta toata viata. De exemplu au loc "šciogniriš" intre tineri, ce si-au pierdut simtul ratiuni. Iar de cele mai multe ori se intampla ca unul dinte ei sa ajunga la spital sau din pacate in cazuri mai speciale sa-si piarda viata.

Dar cele mai periculoase sunt drogurile care afecteaza in mod dramatic viata unui om. Ajuns la maturitate iti dai seama de greselile pe care le-ai infaptuit in adolescenta, iar durerea este apasatoare. Sunt multe cazuri in care adultii ce consuma droguri inca din adolescenta ajung sa aiba o viata de mizerie si din necesitate doze si mai mari isi pierd viata Dar ca adolescent la inceput de drum narcoticele sunt un lucru tragic. De cele mai multe ori tinerii apeleaza, pentru a cauta o senzatie placuta pentru a trece dincolo de realitatea prea dura pentru fiinta lor. De obicei persoanele slabe si influentabile recurg la acest remediu si ajung in cele din urma sa se simta mizerabil intr-o lume nu mai putin mizerabila

O alta problema cu care se confrunta adolescentul este reprezentata de sentimente care o data cu varsta isi fac aparitia. Prima dezamagire in dragoste provoaca o durere imensa in sufletul tanarului care s-a implicat cu toata fiinta lui. La inceputisi fac loc tot felul de intrebari: cum sa o cuceresc ? de unde stiu daca ma place? ma iubeste? ce inseamna a iubi? de ce m-a parasit?. Orice dezamagire ramane ca o cicatrice ce contribuie la formarea personalitatii sale. Orice fapta, orice eveniment ce constituie activitatea unui adoloscent, ajuta la formarea acesteia. Lipsa de mama, de iubire, de banii, il face pe tanar sa-si canalizeze atentia mai mult sau mai putin spre un domeniu care sa-i satisfaca nevoile. S-a observat ca orice om la maturitate incearca sa-si repare greselile din adolescenta, sau incearca sa obtina ceea ce parintii nu i-au putut oferi.

Orfanii de exemplu, ajung sa-si intemeieze o familie bazata pe iubire si pe incredere. Prin dragostea pe care ei o ofera copiilor lor, sunt fericiti ca pot avea ocazia sa treaca peste acel handicap

Sunt o multime de lucruri ce influenteaza viata unui om. Adolescenta, varsta la care omul incepe sa se formeze ca personalitate, devine cu adevarat om prin faptul ca este influentatde oameni, este influentat de parinti, de prieteni, de natura vietii care are parte. Adolescentul este influentabil. Sunt cazuri in care trecand prin aceasta varsta omul se intereseaza, creand o lume a sa departe de toate nedreptatile din exterior.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Adolescents problems

man is born, lives and dies. Important times are early stages through which they pass. More exactly when careun child becomes an adult.

This is a tough period for that will begin to form young man's personality, which is to be confronted with all sorts of problems concerning his person, the existence and the role of people.From the very beginning problems arise than passing with ease but on the way they appear and major problems faced by every day. One of these relate to each young man's desire to have freedom. This is one of major issues of each as in the same period of lives each wishes to say, try new experiences, to be in the center of attention,To be treated as a big man, that he should be given importance. After passing the elementary school young, emerging into a new collective. Take contact with another world, with other concepts, with other aspirations, is influenced by all sorts of ideas. My teenage years age is the one in which the man is less damn suggestible himself than ever before. It begins to look carefully on himself, and to compare with those around you.Find similarities and differences and when differences are too high, he is now trying to adapt in their teams concerned, is trying to be the same as the others, but most of the times they are not ok. This is where many influences involving tobacco, alcohol and drugs. In the last few years it has been noticed that more and more frequently,Once on three high school students from five smokes we having no reason but for the simple fact that it's cool, because they seem to inherit you're in step with fashion. This is what young people who do not become aware of the fact that it's very inporatanta originality. That you want to be like those ofš "the toughest group in the school "pawns, to be yourself, of authenticity.Alcohol is also a destructive factor to which the adolescent boy unfortunately has access. Excess of alcohol destroy personality also a teenager. Out of a desire to look more man, a teenager consumes alcohol, often young people organized byš " ša joining "š as they say, and as a result of the event without thinking I infaptuie things that I can regret it all my life.For example take place " šciogniriš" between young people, they have lost a sense reasons. And most of the times it happens that one tooth them get to the hospital or unfortunately in cases more specific to lose their life.

But the most dangerous are drugs which dramatically affect a man's life. Fully mature you realize the mistakes you have done in his teenage years,Pain is oppressive. There are many cases in which an adult consuming drugs childhood get to have a life of misery and of necessity doses and higher lose their life but that teenager at the beginning narcotics are a tragic. Most of the times the young calls, to search for a pleasant sensation to pass beyond the reality too hard for their being.Usually persons weak and susceptible have recourse to this remedy and I finally feel rotten in a world no less miserable

another problem facing the adolescent boy is represented by feelings, which once with age are introduced. First disappointment in love causes pain in his heart huge young man who has been involved with all his being.To inceputisi instead all sorts of questions: how to conquer? How do I know if I like it? He loves me? What does it mean to love? Why has forsaken me?. Any disappointment remains as a scar which contribute to the formation personality. Any deed, any event that constitutes an adoloscent activity, help form it. Lack of his mother, of love, of money,It is the young man to turn his attention more or less to an area which to satisfy its needs. It was noted that any man ripe is trying to fix mistakes of his teenage years, or is trying to get what his parents didn't I could give you.

Orphans for example, get to set up a family based on love and trust. By love which they offer their children,They are happy that they are likely to have an opportunity to pass over the disability

there are a lot of things that influence a man's life. They are young, the age at which the man will begin to form as personality, becomes a truly man by the fact that it is influentatde people, is influenced by their parents, friends, the kind of life that they have. The adolescent boy is damn suggestible himself.There are cases in which passing through this age the man was interested in creating a world of to far from all injustices from the outside.
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