
Fabula "greierul si furnica " este

Fabula "greierul si furnica " este o istorie care in foarte putine cazuri ofera sfaturi utile pentru viata. steve jobs spunea: " nu trebuie sa lucrezi 12 ore,ci cu capul", lucru pe care putini il indeplinesc. George Ramsay era un cetatean cinstit si lipsit de prejudecati. el este un bun tata si sot, care mereu se reflecteaza la viitor. George este foarte punctual si marinimos. in plus el este fidel si credincios serviciului. cu alte cuvinte George Ramsay este un om cu principii de viata medievale. Tom Ramsay este fratele mai mic al lui George. Ei sunt asemenea doar prin fatul ca au aceeasi parinti. tom iubeste sa se distreze,niciodata nu se ghindeste la viitor si iubeste sa traiasca in lux. calitatile lui tom, ii ofera prieteni si cunoscuti mereu noi. dupa logica fabulei "greierul si firnica" george trebuia sa traiasca in lux si sa fie fericit de viata pe care o duce, iar tom trebuia sa-si termine viata in mizerie si saracie. insa soarta a decis altfel,caci tom ramsay a fost foarte descurcaret. in asa mod totul a trecut de partea lui. concluzia fabulei moderne este: ca trebuie sa primim placere din ceea ce facem, si sa ne ocupam doar cu acele lucruri pe care le preferam, iar restul soarta ne va oferi.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The Fable "the Ant and the greierul" is a history that in very few cases offers useful tips for life. Steve jobs said: "you don't have to work 12 hours, but with the head" thing that few il meet. George Ramsay was an honest citizen and devoid of prejudices. He is a good father and husband, who always meditate on the future. George is very punctual and being under. In addition, he is faithful and faithful service. in other words, George Ramsay is a man with principles of medieval life. Tom Ramsay is the younger brother of George. They are also the only fetus to have the same parents. Tom loves to have fun, never ghindeste the future and loves to live in luxury. tom's qualities, gives your friends always new. After logic fabulei "greierul and firnica" george was supposed to live in luxury and be happy for the life you lead, and tom was supposed to end in misery and poverty. but fate decided otherwise, tom ramsay was very graphic designer. in this way everything has passed on his side. the bottom line is: fabulei I have to receive pleasure from what we do, and we deal with only those things that you prefer, and fate will give us.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Fable "cricket and ant" is a history which in very few cases offers useful advice for life. Steve Jobs said: "I have to work 12 hours, but head" thing Putin meeting. George Ramsay was a citizen-minded and honest. he is a good father and husband, which always reflects on the future. George is very punctual and generous. in addition he is faithful and faithful service. in other words George Ramsay is a principled man of medieval life. Tom Ramsay's younger brother George. They are also only baby to have the same parents. Tom loves to have fun, never Ghindeşti the future and loves to live in luxury. Grades Tom's friends and acquaintances always gives us. logic, fable "cricket and Firn" George had to live in luxury and be happy with the life you lead, and Tom had to finish his life in misery and poverty. But fate decides otherwise, for Tom Ramsay was very resourceful. Thus everything went on his side. modern fable conclusion is that you have to get pleasure from what we do, and we do only those things that you prefer and we will provide the rest fate.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the fable "the cricket and the ant" is a history which in very few cases, offering useful advice for life. steve jobs said: "we don't have to work 12 hours, but with head", which only a few do. george ramsay was an honest citizen and without prejudice. he is a good husband and father, who always reflect on the future. george is very punctual and unselfish.in addition he is loyal and faithful service. in other words, george ramsay is a man with principles of medieval life. tom ramsay is the younger brother of george. they are also only through that have the same parents. tom loves to have fun, you never ghindeste in future and loves to live in luxury. tom's qualities, gives friends and known always us.after the fable "the logic and firnica" george had to live in luxury and be happy with her life, and tom had to finish his life in misery and poverty. but fate had decided otherwise, because tom ramsay was very resourceful. in a way it has been by his side. the conclusion is: as a modern fable must receive pleasure from what we do,and we can work only with those things which they preferred, and the rest of fate will give us.
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