daca as deveni profesor pe o zi, eu as fi in acelasi timp unul dintre  перевод - daca as deveni profesor pe o zi, eu as fi in acelasi timp unul dintre  английский как сказать

daca as deveni profesor pe o zi, eu

daca as deveni profesor pe o zi, eu as fi in acelasi timp unul dintre cei mai fericiti si nefericiti oameni.eu as fi fericit, caci voi afla despre ce vorbesc profesorii in cabinetul metodic ? si cum isi fac planuri pentru a distruge sistemul nervos al elevilor? iar nefericit am sa fiu, din cauza ca voi fi nevoit sa predau informatie nefolositoare. eu as vrea sa devin profesor de matematica, caci acest obiect il consider folositor si interesant. ziua mea lucratoare as incepe cu eliminarea temelor pentru acasa la obiectul meu. as oferi elevilor libertate in alegerea exercitiilor. in prima jumatate a orelor m-as conduce dupa programa liceului, insa in timpul ramas ,as propune rezolvarea problemelor care se pot intilni in viata.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If I become a Professor one day, I'd be in the same time one of the most happy and unhappy oameni.eu'd be happy because I will find out what I'm talking about teachers in methodical Cabinet? and as they make plans to destroy the nervous system? and I have to be miserable, because I'll be forced to teach information useless. I'd like to become a Professor of mathematics, because this item il consider available and interesting. my day starts with removing working as themes for the my object. I'd give students freedom in choosing. in the first half of the hours I would lead after high school curriculum, but in the time remaining, I propose to resolve the problems which are likely to meet in life.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
if I become a teacher one day, while I would be one of the happiest and unhappiest oameni.eu would be happy, because you are talking about teachers in methodical office? and how they make plans to destroy the nervous system of students? and I will be unhappy, because I'll have to teach useless information. I would like to become a professor of mathematics, for this purpose I consider useful and interesting. I start my day working with the object removing my homework. I give students freedom in choosing exercises. in the first half of the times I'd drive after high school curriculum, but in the time remaining, I would propose that you can solve problems encountered in life.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
if i become a teacher one day, i'd be at the same time one of the most happy and unhappy oameni.eu would be happy, because i know what i'm talking about the teachers in the methodical? and how do their plans to destroy the nervous system of the students? i'll be unhappy again, because i have to teach information useless. i would like to become a professor of mathematics.because this object i consider useful and interesting. i'd start with my day working at my disposal themes for the object. i give students freedom in choosing exercises. in the first half of the class i lead after high school curriculum, but in time, i propose the problems which may be met in life.
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