În Grecia, ziua de Anul Nou este dedicată Sfântului Vasile, celebru pe перевод - În Grecia, ziua de Anul Nou este dedicată Sfântului Vasile, celebru pe английский как сказать

În Grecia, ziua de Anul Nou este de

În Grecia, ziua de Anul Nou este dedicată Sfântului Vasile, celebru pentru bunătatea sa. Copiii îşi lasă încălţările lângă şemineu în noaptea de Anul Nou, pentru a primi daruri de la sfântul cel bun. O mâncare tradiţională pentru această sărbătoare este "vassilopitta", o prăjitură în care este pusă o monedă din argint sau din aur. Cel ce găseşte moneda va avea noroc în anul respectiv.

În ţări din America Latină, precum Ecuador sau Peru, cu puţin timp înainte de Anul Nou, oamenii fac păpuşi de cârpă sau din hârtie creponată (muñecos), care reprezintă anul ce s-a terminat. Păpuşile sunt expuse apoi în faţa caselor până pe 31 decembrie, la miezul nopţii, când sunt arse în stradă. Există, de asemenea, credinţa conform căreia dacă porţi o anumită culoare la 12 noaptea, aceasta ar putea aduce noroc în anumite domenii. Astfel, se spune că galbenul este semn de bani, iar roşul poate aduce noroc în dragoste. De asemenea, cel care doreşte să călătorească tot anul trebuie să alerge prin cartier cu o valiză în mână, la ora 12 noaptea fix.

Ruşii obişnuiesc să bea şampanie la miezul nopţii şi, după ora 12, să deschidă uşile şi ferestrele pentru ca noul an să intre în casă.

În ebraică, Anul Nou se traduce prin "Rosh Hashanah". Este un moment sacru, când oamenii se gândesc la ceea ce au făcut rău în trecut şi promit că vor fi mai buni în viitor. Ceremonii speciale au loc în sinagogi, unde se cântă la shofar, un instrument special. Copiii primesc haine noi, iar masa cuprinde obligatoriu fructe şi produse din făină, pentru a aminti de vremea recoltei.

În calendarul islamic, care se bazează pe mişcările Lunii, data noului an este devansată cu 11 zile în fiecare an. În Iran, Anul Nou se sărbătoreşte pe 21 martie. Cu câteva săptămâni înainte de această dată, oamenii pun seminţe de grâu la încolţit, în vase speciale. Până la sosirea anului nou, grâul creşte şi simbolizează primăvara şi viaţa nouă care începe.

Nu toţi hinduşii sărbătoresc noul an în acelaşi timp sau în acelaşi fel. În Bengalul de Vest, oamenii se împodobesc cu flori, pe care le colorează în roşu, roz, violet sau alb. Femeile poartă haine galbene, culoarea primăverii. În schimb, în sudul Indiei, mamele pun mâncare, flori şi daruri într-o cutie specială, pentru copii. În dimineaţa Anului Nou, copiii trebuie să ţină ochii închişi, până când sunt conduşi de mână la cutia cu daruri. În India Centrală, steagurile portocalii împodobesc toate clădirile în ziua de Anul Nou. În provincia Gujarat, în vestul Indiei, Anul Nou este celebrat la sfârşitul lunii octombrie, în acelaşi timp cu festivalul Diwali, când pe acoperişuri se pun mici lămpi cu ulei aprinse. În aprilie, când Soarele se mişcă din Casa Peştilor în Casa Berbecului, locuitorii din Sri Lanka încep să sărbătorească Anul Nou. Acesta cade, de obicei, pe 13 sau 14 aprilie.

În Vietnam, Anul Nou este numit "Tet Nguyen Dan" sau mai simplu "Tet". El începe pe 21 ianuarie sau 19 februarie, în funcţie de an. Vietnamezii cred că un zeu stă în fiecare casă, iar în ziua de Anul Nou se duce la cer. Acolo, el spune cât de bun sau rău a fost fiecare membru al familiei în anul care a trecut. Zeul călătoreşte pe spatele unui crap, de aceea vietnamezii obişnuiesc ca de Anul Nou să cumpere un crap viu, căruia îi dau drumul în râu.

Anul Noul chinezesc este celebrat cândva între 17 ianuarie şi 19 februarie, când este Lună Nouă - "Yuan Tan". El este sărbătorit de chinezii din întreaga lume prin procesiuni pe stradă, unde sunt aprinse mii de lanterne. Chinezii cred că spiritele rele sunt peste tot în acea perioadă, aşa că aprind artificii pentru a le îndepărta. Uneori, ei îşi sigilează ferestrele şi uşile cu hârtie, pentru a nu lăsa spiritele malefice să pătrundă în casă.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In Greece, new year's day is dedicated to Saint Basil, famous for his goodness. They leave their kids boot drier by the fireplace on the night of the new year, to receive gifts from the Holy. A traditional dish for this holiday is "vassilopitta", a cake in a currency which is made from silver or gold. The one who finds the coin will have good luck in the year concerned.In the countries of Latin America, such as Ecuador or Peru, shortly before the new year, people are making rag dolls or of creped (muñecos), which represents the year ended. The dolls are then exposed in front of houses until December 31 at midnight, when they are burnt in the street. There is also a belief that if you wear a certain color at 12 at night, it might bring good luck in certain areas. Thus, it is said that yellow is a sign of money, and Red can bring good luck in love. Also, who wants to travel all year round should run through the neighborhood with a suitcase in hand, at 12 o'clock at night.The Russians used to drink champagne at midnight and after 12 noon, to open doors and Windows for the new year to come into the House.In the Hebrew new year, translates to "Rosh Hashanah". It's a sacred moment, when people are thinking about what they did wrong in the past and I promise I will be better in the future. Special ceremonies are held in synagogues, where they sing the shofar, a special tool. Children receive new clothes, and includes mandatory fruits and flour products, to recall the time of harvest.In the islamic calendar, which is based on the movements of the Moon, the date of the new year is brought forward by 11 days each year In Iran, new year is celebrated on March 21. A few weeks before that date, people put the wheat seed cornered, in special vessels. Until the arrival of the new year, the wheat grows and symbolizes spring and new life beginning.Not all Hindus celebrate the new year at the same time or in the same way. In West Bengal, people adorn with flowers, they turn red, pink, purple or white. Women wearing yellow, the colour of spring clothes. Instead, in southern India, mothers put food, flowers and offerings in a special box for children. New year's morning, children must keep their eyes closed, until they are ruled over by hand to your gifts. In Central India, orange flags adorn buildings in new year's day. In the province of Gujarat in Western India, new year is celebrated at the end of October, at the same time as the Festival of Diwali, when on roofs are placed small lighted oil lamps. In April, when the Sun moves out of the House, the House of Aries Fish inhabitants of Sri Lanka begin to celebrate the new year. It usually falls on April 13 or 14.In Viet Nam, the new year is called "Tet Nguyen Dan" or more simply "Tet". He starts on January 21 or February 19, depending on the year. Vietnamese believe that God is in every house, and during the new year's day goes to heaven. There, he tells how good or bad it was every Member of the family in the past year. God travels on the back of a crap, so Vietnamese new year we like to buy a live carp, which give way to the river.Chinese New year is celebrated on January 17 and sometime between February 19, when is the new moon-"Yuan Tan". He is celebrated by Chinese people around the world through processions on the streets, where thousands of torches are lit. The Chinese believe that evil spirits are everywhere at that time, so they lit Fireworks to ward off. Sometimes, they sealed the Windows and doors with paper, to keep the evil spirits to penetrate into the House.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In Greece, New Year's Day is dedicated to St. Basil, famous for his kindness. Children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the New Year, to receive gifts from the good saint. A traditional food for this holiday is "vassilopitta" cake which is available in a silver or gold coin. The one who finds the coin will have luck in that year. In Latin American countries such as Ecuador or Peru, shortly before the New Year, people make rag dolls or crepe paper (Muneca), which is the year that ended. The dolls are then exposed to the houses until December 31 at midnight, when burned in the street. There is also the belief that if you wear a certain color at 12 pm, it could bring good luck in some areas. Thus, they say that yellow is a sign of money, and red can bring love. Also, who wants to travel all year must run around the neighborhood with a suitcase in hand, at 12 pm sharp. The Russians used to drink champagne at midnight, after 12 pm, open doors and windows for the new year to enter the house. In Hebrew, the New Year means "Rosh Hashanah". It is a sacred moment, when people think about what they did wrong in the past and promise to do better in the future. Special ceremonies were held in synagogues, where he plays the shofar, a special tool. Children receive new clothes and meal must include fruits and flour products to remember harvest time. In the Islamic calendar, based on lunar movements, the date of the new year is brought forward by 11 days each year. In Iran, the New Year is celebrated on March 21. A few weeks before that date, people put wheat sprouting seeds in special vessels. Pending the arrival of new wheat grows and symbolizes spring and new life beginning. Not all Hindus celebrate the new year at the same time or in the same way. In West Bengal, people with flowers, which turn red, pink, purple or white. Women wear yellow clothes, the color of spring. Instead, in southern India, mothers put food, flowers and gifts in a special box for children. New Year's morning, children should keep their eyes closed until they are led by the hand to the box with gifts. In Central India, orange flags all buildings adorn New Year's Day. In the province of Gujarat in western India, New Year is celebrated in late October, while the Diwali festival, when roofs small oil lamps are put on. In April, when the Sun moves from the house, the house of Aries, the people of Sri Lanka began to celebrate New Year. It falls usually 13 or April 14. In Vietnam, the New Year is called "Tet Nguyen Dan" or simply "Tet". It begins on January 21 or February 19, depending on the year. The Vietnamese believe that God is in every home, and on New Year goes to heaven. There, he says how good or bad it was each family member in the past year. God travels on the back of crap, why Vietnamese habit as a New Year to buy a live carp, which give way to the river. Year New Chinese is celebrated sometime between January 17 and February 19, when New Moon - "Yuan Tan" . He is celebrated by Chinese around the world through street processions where thousands of lanterns are lit. The Chinese believe that evil spirits are everywhere at the time, so light fireworks to remove them. Sometimes, they sealed windows and doors with paper to not let the evil spirits to enter the house.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in greece, new year's day is dedicated to saint basil, famous for his kindness. children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the new year night, to receive gifts from the holy well. a traditional food for this holiday is "vassilopitta", a cake in which is placed a coin of silver or gold.the one who finds the coin will be lucky in the year.

in latin american countries, such as ecuador or peru, shortly before the new year, people do rag dolls or crepe paper (muñecos), which represents the year ended. dolls are exposed and then in front of the house until december 31, at midnight, when burned in the street. there are alsohis belief that if you wear a certain color 12 night, it could bring luck in certain areas. thus, they say, yellow is the sign of the money, and red can bring good luck in love. also, the man who wants to travel all year must run through the neighborhood with a suitcase in my hand, at 12 o'clock sharp.

the russians used to drink champagne at midnight and, after 12 o'clock, to open doors and windows for the new year to enter the house.

in hebrew translates to "new year rosh hashanah." it is a sacred moment, when people think about what they have done wrong in the past and will be better in the future. special ceremonies are held in synagogues, where they sing the shofar,a special instrument. children get new clothes and table must include fruit and products of flour, to remind harvest time.

in the islamic calendar, which is based on the lunar new year, time is advanced by 11 days in each year. in iran, the new year is celebrated on march 21. a few weeks before that date,people put seed wheat in trapped in special ships. until the arrival of the new year, the wheat grows and symbolizes spring and new life that begins.

not all hindus celebrate the new year at the same time or in the same way. in west bengal, people adorn with flowers, which colors in red, pink, purple, or white. women wear yellow clothes.the color of spring. in contrast, in southern india, mothers put food, flowers and gifts in a special box for the children. new year's morning, children need to keep your eyes closed, until they are driven by hand in the box with gifts. in central india, the orange flags adorn all buildings in the new year's day. in the province of gujarat, in western india.the new year is celebrated at the end of october, at the same time with the diwali festival, when the roofs shall be small oil lamps lit. in april, when the sun moves into aries fish house house, the people of sri lanka began to celebrate the new year. this fall, usually on 13 or 14 april.

in vietnamthe new year is called "tet nguyen dan" or simply "tet". he starts on 21 january or february 19, depending on the year. vietnamese think a god is in every house, and on new year's day goes to heaven. there, he says how good or bad it was every member of the family in the past year. the god travels on the back of a carpthat the vietnamese used that new year to buy a live carp, which go into the river.

chinese new year is celebrated sometime between 17 january and 19 february, when the moon is new "yuan tan." he is celebrated by the chinese in the world through processions on the street, where thousands of lanterns are lit. the chinese believe that evil spirits are everywhere in that period.so light fireworks to remove them. sometimes, they seal windows and doors with paper, to not let the evil spirits to break into the house.
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