Vorbind despre dragoste pot spune că este cel mai frumos lucru care i  перевод - Vorbind despre dragoste pot spune că este cel mai frumos lucru care i  английский как сказать

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Vorbind despre dragoste pot spune că este cel mai frumos lucru care i se poate intampla unui om.

Iubirea nu te ajută cu nimic în viaţă pentru că iubirea e însăşi viaţă, nu e un lucru pe care îl folosim doar atunci când suntem în dificultate. Ea face parte din fiinţă noastră, stă la baza existenţei noastre. Inconştient iubim şi suntem iubiţi la rândul nostru. Inconştient oferim sentimente şi primim la rândul nostru sentimente. Iubirea nu caută să se definească, nu se caută, nu se cere, pur şi simplu se simte, se trăieşte, te bucuri de ea în fiecare moment. Nu se sfârşeşte niciodată pentru că ea este temeiul existenţei, temeiul tuturor lucrurilor. În fiecare lucru pe care îl facem există puţină dragoste, puţină tandreţe, puţină bunătate. În final pot spune că iubirea nu cere nimic în schimb, se hrăneşte din iubirea celorlalţi şi ea la rândul ei hrăneşte alte iubiri.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Speaking about love I can say that is the most beautiful thing that can happen to a man.Love does not help you with anything in life because love is life itself, it's not a thing that we use when we are in trouble. It is part of our being, is the basis of our existence. Unconscious love and we are beloved in our turn. Unconscious feelings, and we offer the turn our feelings. Love does not seek to define, there is no search, is not required, simply feels, you live it, enjoy every moment. There never ends because it is the basis of existence, the basis of all things. In every thing you do there is little love, a little tenderness, a bit of kindness. Finally I can say that love doesn't ask for anything in return, it feeds from the love of others and she in turn nourish other love.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Speaking of love can say is the best thing that can happen to a man. Love does not help with anything in life because love is life itself, it is not a thing you use only when we are in difficulty. It is part of our being is the basis of our existence. Unconsciously we love and being loved in turn. Unconscious feelings and receive in turn offer our feelings. Love does not seek to define, not looking, not required, simply feels to live, enjoy it every time. It never ends because she is under there, under all things. Every thing you do there is little love, a little affection, a little kindness. Finally I can say that love is not asking anything in return, love others and feeds it in turn feeds other love.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
talking about love, i can say is the most beautiful thing that can happen to a man.love doesn't help with anything in life because love is life itself, is not a thing that i use only when we are in difficulty. she's part of our being, is the basis of our existence. unconscious love and are lovers in our turn. unconscious feelings and we offer in our feelings. love is not to define, not seeking, not required, simply feels, live, enjoy every moment. never ends because it is the basis of existence, the basis of all things. every thing we do is a little love, a little affection, a little tenderness. finally i can say that love is not asking for anything in return, feeds on love others and she in turn feed other loves.
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